Gold Sponsor agrees to pay Senior Information Fair the sum of $2,500 for current year’s event
Gold Sponsor agrees to promote and include SiF in their Marketing Materials leading up to the date of current year’s event.
Benefits for a Gold Sponsor:
Gold Sponsormayrecommend someonefrom their business/organization to serve on the SiF board.
Gold Sponsor company logo and link to your website appears on the Senior Information Fair website home page along with the current year’s event information.
Gold Sponsor company logo appears in SiF advertising leading up to Senior Information Fair’s current year’s event. Advertising includes TV spots, local print media, commercially printed items (annual SiF flyer, program book, back of volunteer T-shirts and signage recognition at venue day of event.)
Gold Sponsor receivesone corporate vendor boothconsisting of a six (6’) table and two (2) chairs in prime location at host venue.
An additional booth space available to gold sponsor toshowcase a specific division or area of service within your businessor when providing a free health screening performed by your business at no cost.
Gold Sponsorship Submission & Payment Form
SIF enables, empowers and promotes seniors to live healthy and safe lives.
Senior Information Fair @2024. All Right Reserved.